
Our policies

Links to Garden House Hospice Care's policies on safeguarding, data protection and privacy.


Safeguarding Statement

Garden House Hospice Care is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all those it cares for. We recognise our responsibility to promote safe practice and to protect all from harm. We support the right of all to live free from abuse with respect; dignity and equality, believing that all should receive the support they need to remain safe.

We promote a culture of listening to, and seeking the views of those we care for in a way that is appropriate to their age, understanding, race and beliefs. We will ensure that:

  • Safety and welfare of those we care for is paramount
  • The rights, wishes and feelings of all those we care for and those important to them will be respected and listened to
  • We work with the multi-disciplinary team both within the organisation and external to it sharing information and working within the parameters of the Mental Capacity Act
  • All staff, whatever their role will work in accordance with the interests of all those we care for and will follow the policy and procedures laid down by the organisation

Our Safeguarding policies and procedures ensure that robust systems are in place and set out the framework within which all employees and volunteers of the organisation are required to work to keep all safe and enable them to respond appropriately to any safeguarding concerns.

Within Garden House Hospice Care we have the following in place to demonstrate the robust framework to which we work:

  • Safeguarding policies

  • Director and Named Safeguarding Trustee responsibility for safeguarding

  • Identified Safeguarding adult and children champions

  • Reporting framework to Trustee in place

  • Audit plan

  • Organisational safeguarding group which meets regularly with yearly action plan

  • Safeguarding group supervision

  • Mandatory safeguarding training plan as governed by relevant documents

  • Links with external safeguarding teams

  • Safeguarding awareness notice boards and quarterly newsletter


Safeguarding children



Safeguarding adults at risk policy

Other policies


Data security and protection policy


Privacy policy