
Family Support Services

Our Family Support Services exist to promote emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.

When someone is diagnosed with a long-term condition, everybody in the family is affected. We will try to meet you wherever you are in your journey; taking the opportunity to provide timely and appropriate support, to listen and to get the best possible outcome for you.

We work with patients, families and friends, both pre- and post-bereavement, both adults and children. Patients with an identified need who are not known to the Hospice can be referred by a healthcare professional. Patients known to the Hospice and their family, friends and carers can self-refer to Family Support Services by calling 01462 679540 (option 7).

Please note: We are currently unable to accept new referrals for children and young people.

Emotional and spiritual care

Meeting the emotional and spiritual care needs of patients and family members is as important as the physical and practical care that we offer.

We can help by giving you space and time to reflect and make some sense of your situation, to talk through some of the questions raised, to sort things out and to restore a sense of balance and peace.

Some people will have specific requests relating to their religion or culture. For others, spirituality describes anything that gives value and meaning to their lives. All aspects can be covered within spiritual and emotional care.

Counselling and supportive calls

Facing the death of someone we love, or facing our own death, raises many thoughts and feelings. We may feel shocked or numb and it can take a while to sink in. We may feel nothing. It can feel very difficult to cope and we can worry about how we can ever feel 'normal'.

Counselling gives you a better understanding of how you are feeling. Talking confidentially to someone other than family or friends can be helpful. We offer short term pre- or post-bereavement counselling and one-off calls when you need us. We also offer supportive calls on a regular basis, to help you through particularly difficult times.

Children and young people's service

Please note: This service is temporarily unable to accept new referrals.

We have a dedicated service providing advice and emotional support for families with children and young people. Parents and care givers are usually best placed to help their children. We can help the adults in the family to support the children in their bereavement.

Our service can also provide individual support to children and young people when it is needed, enabling the young person to express themselves through talking, creative activities, play and storytelling.

Our trained team of staff and volunteers offer support to children, in a safe, confidential environment, helping children to express their thoughts and feelings. We also work collaboratively with Schools in North Hertfordshire and Stevenage and other external organisations.

Social work

Our social worker is available to assist you with social and practical issues. This can include sourcing help at home, accessing other services, advice around benefits, help with housing and support with any family concerns.

Lights of Life

Another way that we support bereaved people is by holding events which provide time and space to remember. People can feel less alone to be alongside others who have gone through loss. A regular event each year is Lights of Life. This is a special service held at the Hospice during the run up to Christmas.


Family Support resources